Your timber box sash windows can now be restored by means of the box sash window restoration services.
These services are ideal for people who want to preserve the historic integrity of their house. Although there are lots of companies that offer these types of services, you can actually do the
process on your own. So here are the steps that you need to follow.
- The first thing that you need to do is to remove the old timber window sash on your existing window frame. To do this, simply slide the flat bar underneath the blind stops and then pry-up the
stops and then slowly remove them using a flat bar.
- When the old window sash is removed entirely, the next step of the box sash window restoration project is to place the sash on the work surface. Make sure that you clean any debris off and
remove any loose paint with the use of a wire brush. Afterwards, brush off the grain of wood slowly.
- Make sure to scrape off any of the loose paint with the use of a painter’s tool. Slowly remove the old window glazing by working on the edge of the tool under the glazing until you are able
to carefully work it out from the pane of the glass.
- The next step is to carefully pry out the glaziers that hold the glass panes with the use of a screw driver. Remove each of the glass panes out and set it aside.
- It is recommended that you repair any of the damage areas of the wood using an epoxy so that the box sash windows will look appealing especially when installed beside the timber doors.
- Once the epoxy has dried out, prime the window sash and paint it afterwards. Allow the paint to dry up before you proceed with the next step.
- Apply some bead of caulk on the area where the window pane would settle in the sash. Slowly insert the window panes on the sash and then insert the glass points back to the sash with the use
of a tack hammer.
- Finally, glaze the window panes with a putty knife. This is to make the edges smooth and in order to fill the corner where the wood will meet with the window pane. This process requires a lot
of practice before you can achieve a perfect result.
When you are done with the restoration of your timber sash windows, the next step is to install the
matching timber doors and your home renovation project is done.